Expect sturdy plants with tight and productive branchy structure, 1:1 stretch, and medium to heavy foliage. Some individual plants may require some defoliation because of large overlapping fans but the majority tend to grow in a way that lets a reasonable amount of light through the canopy. Yields should be more than adequate for any grower and you can expect medium/large grenade shaped tops for most phenotypes. Smells/flavors include candy/fruit (lifesavers, gummy worms, and occasional hints of lemon/lime/tangerine), woody notes, and a fumey nose burning quality.
Dominance of beta myrcene, ocimene, limonene, alpha and beta pinene, p-cymene, and D 3 carene. Some samples carry large levels of terpinolene and others almost none. Resin qualities are typically in the sticky/tacky/gooey range and often stretch like taffy when flowers are pulled apart at room temperature and viewed under a microscope. This line has proven itself over and over to be hardy even under less desirable conditions.
It will grow well with light feeding but will often perform exceptionally well if given a great environment to grow in and increased feeding. Expect an average harvest window between 56-65 days.
-The Pheno Fisherman | Feed The Soil. Free The Plant.
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